Never Here and Nail

Can you use ‘Never Here’ while under the effects of Nail? The text of Nail specifically states that “This ability restricts the struck target to one spot for one minute; they cannot move from that spot until the Nail condition ends.” More broadly, it makes sense that a person can’t drop a smokebomb and escape while they are nailed to the ground.

Nail back in 2.0 was specifically stated to be a counter to never here. Now that it doesn’t spell it out, I assume not.

The interaction is a “Ask your local director”answer.

For VA, we rule it that Nail stops “Never Here”, because Nail states that you cannot move from that spot for one minute.

So I’m theory, you could use it, but the respawn location would be exactly where you used it, making it a waste.

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Same ruling in NJ.

It is not the intention of Nail to prevent Never Here.

That should be written into the Lexicon then.

Maybe it is. :wink:

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Effecting change, in my Dystopia Rising?

Just providing a quick link and text for convenience:


Countered by Avoid unless an Area of Effect or Sound of Voice effect. This ability restricts the struck target to one spot for one minute; they cannot move from that spot until the Nail condition ends, but they can still use skills and defend themselves ordinarily so long as the skills used do not require walking/running (such as Enhanced Movement). This effect also ends if the target enters bleedout. One foot should be planted for the duration, but the player may pivot on that foot. This does not prevent Never Here.