Rules Contradiction

When you die and then return from the Mortis, how much Mind do you come back with? Page 183 says you come back with 1 Mind point, while page 209 and 212 both state you come back with 5 mind points. Pretty sure the correct answer is 5, since that’s enough to get off a single Avoid or something useful once you get back. 1 Mind point is functionally as useful as zero Mind Points. Thoughts?

I go with 5

In my opinion, the three pages you mention seem to be talking about slightly different situations.

Page 183 - Spend a Resolve to skip the post-death mortis scene and return to play “immediately”. Character comes back with full body and 1 mind.

Page 209 - Character experiences the post-death mortis scene, loses an infection, and would come back with full body and 5 mind. Character may elect to spend a resolve to come back at full mind.

Page 212 - Character experiences the post-death mortis scene, and would come back with full body and 5 mind (unless there are plot or other effects occurring.)


This. Three different contexts.